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Water environment ecological restoration

In terms of water environment ecological restoration technology, Dongli Environment mainly uses microorganisms, plants and their ecosystems to transfer, transform and degrade water pollutants, purify water quality, restore and repair degraded or damaged water ecosystems, basically reach the original level or exceed the original level, and maintain the stability of its ecosystem. This kind of technology has the advantages of good treatment effect, relatively low engineering cost, no energy consumption or low energy consumption, and low operating cost.
  • Sponge city technology
  • Ecological restoration technology of polluted water body
  • Natural water body ecological protection technology
According to the concept of sponge city technology, in order to make full use of rainwater resources, reduce surface runoff, increase water infiltration, and improve the utilization rate of rainwater, Dongli Environment uses rainwater collection devices such as roof greening, green roof seepage and overflow outlets, and uses porous bricks, terraco-clay bricks or permeable bricks in hardened areas such as parks, parking lots, main roads and squares. After the rainwater passes through each planting ditch, stormwater channel, early purification treatment and discarding part of the rainwater, it is recycled by the storage and drainage tank. The application of this technology can not only make full use of rainwater resources, but also play an irreplaceable role in beautifying the environment, purifying water quality and replenishing groundwater. Dongli Environment and the Singapore joint venture company continue to improve the rainwater recovery system and rainwater collection, so that the technology has been successfully applied in the Vanke peak landscape project, and has achieved good ecological and economic benefits.

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    Ecological restoration technology of polluted water body

    In terms of ecological restoration technology for polluted water bodies, Dongli Environment restores degraded or damaged water ecosystems (such as river and lake ecosystems) through a series of ecological engineering measures. Among them, plant water ecological restoration technology and construction of artificial wetland system are the most mature technologies. Plant water ecological restoration technology through the protection and planting of a variety of emergent plants, submerged plants, floating plants, increase the self-purification capacity of the water body, eliminate or reduce water pollution, to avoid the injection of chemicals into the water body, resulting in secondary pollution. This technology can be combined with the garden environment and landscape improvement to give full play to the production potential of the garden landscape environment, which can protect the water ecological environment, turn the water ecosystem into a virtuous cycle, and promote the simultaneous development of economy and ecology.
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    Restoration technology of constructed wetland system

    The restoration technology of constructed wetland system is to filter and trap the particles in polluted river water by artificially controlling the soil and hydrological conditions of wetland, and then be used by aquatic plants to degrade organic pollutants and remove nitrogen in water. Phosphorus and heavy metal ions were removed by adsorption, complexation and ion exchange of wetland media. Under the action of the wetland system, BOD, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, refractory organic matter, bacteria and viruses in the polluted water can be removed.


Dongli Environment has been committed to the research and development of ecological protection technology for natural water bodies. In natural water bodies, through artificial planting of higher aquatic plants or improved land plants, the use of plant absorption and rhizosphere microorganisms to purify pollutants, improve water quality and accumulate heavy metals. Natural water ecological protection technology includes ecological floating bed technology, ecological oxidation pond technology, ecological slope protection technology, etc., without the investment of professional machinery and equipment and chemical agents, can save a lot of costs, reduce power, energy and daily maintenance management costs, with less investment, quick effect, energy saving, stable operation performance, simple daily maintenance and other advantages.
This technology not only plays a great role in urban flood drainage and water and soil conservation, but also has very important landscape value and ecological and environmental effects such as regulating climate, reducing pollution, enriching plant resources and animal resources. It has been implemented in many projects in Dongli with good results.


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