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To fight the epidemic together and overcome the difficulties, Dongli donated anti-epidemic supplies for frontline soldiers
author:东篱环境 | pubdate:2020-00-19 | view count:3219


The virus is merciless, the east hedge is love.

In the Spring Festival of 2020, when the novel coronavirus outbreak broke out, Dongli Environment actively shoulded the responsibility and mission of epidemic prevention and control and employee safety, and invested in the epidemic prevention and control war with practical actions. The company actively responded to the call of the government, paid close attention to the progress of the epidemic situation, and issued two notices during the Spring Festival to delay the resumption of work, and won as much time and space as possible for employees to be isolated and protected.

Dongli, in the rapid development of the same time, do not forget the corporate social responsibility and responsibility. In early February, after connecting with the Tianhe District Charity Society, we promptly donated 100,000 yuan of anti-epidemic funds to the Tianhe District Charity Society in response to the development of the epidemic situation, mainly to support the anti-epidemic prevention and treatment, and to provide support for relevant personnel.

Before the resumption of work, the company's management held a video conference overnight, carefully organized and arranged the resumption of work, formulated detailed resumption measures, and implemented them one by one to put people first and ensure safety. On the day of the resumption of work on February 10, the company provided a large number of disposable medical surgical masks for employees of the headquarters and branches, and distributed them one by one, purchased a large number of medical alcohol for on-site disinfection of the office environment, and provided dozens of thermometers for employees to use. Every meticulous action made employees feel warm, assured and at ease. Let the employees deeply feel the company's concern and care for the lives of employees. After the resumption of work, the company insisted on the overall disinfection of the office space on time every day, and checked the temperature of employees entering and leaving the company every day, and set up a "Daily health clock for employees" on the company's office platform, so that employees' health information management can be digitized and visualized. Leave work one hour early every day to effectively avoid the rush hour; Extensive publicity and guidance remind employees to reduce talking and walking, maintain a safe distance, and take practical actions to protect the health of employees.


In the prevention and control work, the Dongli environment has always been breathing with the frontline anti-epidemic fighters, sharing the fate and heart to heart. Fighting in the front line of the public security police, with their own strength to build a security line, their adherence is moving, the east hedge people see in the eyes, anxious in the heart. In order to appreciate the hard work of the public security officers, on February 18, Mr. Xu Bin, chairman of Dongli Environment, organized a batch of anti-epidemic living materials and donated them to the "frontline soldiers" who insisted on fighting, so that the "frontline soldiers" could live worry-free and fight the epidemic with peace of mind.

"With your protection, we are particularly at ease, but please also protect yourself, fight the epidemic, we are together!" Mr. Xu Bin, chairman of the board, a short sentence closely linked the East hedge environment and the hearts of the frontline soldiers. In the face of the complex and severe epidemic situation, Dongli Environment firmly believes that the epidemic is heartless and people have feelings, as long as we are united as one, we can overcome the pneumonia epidemic. Dongli Environment will be more full of enthusiasm and high morale, and actively provide help and support for the front-line anti-epidemic personnel.

We believe that as long as we have confidence in ourselves and have confidence in the company, we believe that with our joint efforts, the company's performance will certainly be thriving and continue to develop in a good direction. We will be able to overcome the difficulties together, through the difficulties, and win this war without smoke of gunpowder "epidemic" together!

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