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Congratulations on the success of the second trade union committee of Dongli Environment
author:东篱环境 | release time:2021-11-16 | view count:2083

Start of winter has passed, Yangcheng different Kapok makeup debut. On the morning of November 16, the trade union of Guangdong Dongli Environment Co., Ltd. ushered in the election of the trade union committee. Mr. Fu Guangming, director of the Henan Street Working Committee, member of the Party Working Committee of the Henan Street and chairman of the General Trade Union of the Henan Street, was invited to attend the election. Mr. Xu Bin, Chairman and president of Dongli Environment, Mr. Cui Guangming, Secretary of the Party branch of Dongli Environment, Mr. Wu Yu, chairman of the trade union of Dongli Environment, representatives of the trade union and more than 100 employees were present to witness this historic moment.



The General assembly of the trade union was solemnly opened in the sound of the "National Anthem". Wu Yu, chairman of the trade union, read out the report of the last trade union to the delegates and guests, and reviewed the positive contributions made by the last trade union in organizing, guiding and serving the workers. And solemnly read the "Guangdong Dongli Environmental Co., Ltd. trade union committee change of request" reply.



Subsequently, in line with the principle of fully protecting the democratic rights of members and strictly implementing the election discipline, the participants and Dongli employees carefully filled in the ballot paper and cast a sacred vote in turn. After a fair, just and open election, five members of the trade union committee and members of the Fund review Committee will be elected respectively.





After the election results were released, Mr. Fu Guangming, director of the Henan Street Working Committee of the People's Congress, member of the Party Working Committee of the Henan Street and chairman of the Union of Trade unions of the Henan Street, made an important speech. Director Fu Guangming fully affirmed the outstanding contribution of the last session of the Dongli Environmental Trade Union Committee, and pointed out the importance of the trade union and the significance of the change of work. Trade unions, as the "home" of the working class, how to build a warm "home" is a topic that the trade union Committee needs to continue to explore in depth. It is hoped that under the leadership of the new members, they will continue to strengthen their responsibilities and responsibilities, have the courage to work hard, and effectively seek the welfare of trade union employees.




Finally, Mr. Xu Bin, chairman and president of Dongli Environment, made a speech, he thanked Director Fu Guangming for coming to the scene to guide the election campaign, and expressed warm congratulations to the newly elected members of the trade union. He hoped that the new trade union members would continue to thoroughly implement the policies and lines of the Party Central Committee, perform their duties, maintain their rights, and truly become the parents of the majority of employees.




The election came to a successful end in the magnificent "Internationale", and the election and change activities were a complete success.


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