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Start the first lesson: "numbers" East hedge borrow wisdom "extreme flying"
author:东篱环境 | release time:2021-02-21 | view count:2668
At the beginning of the Year of the Ox, on February 20, the ninth day of the first day of construction, more than 30 people from Dongli Environment, under the leadership of Mr. Xu Bin, chairman and president, visited Guangzhou Jifei Technology Co., LTD., located in Tianhe District, to feel the technology unicorn company, visit and experience the application and innovation of artificial intelligence products in the agricultural field, and learn from technology companies in different industries. With a view to improving together.
Under the correct leadership of the board of directors, Dongli Environment focuses on technological innovation, long-term in-depth research and development in the field of ecological landscape science and technology, has so far obtained 13 invention patents, more than 30 utility model patents, and has made great progress in technology transformation into productivity. With the continuous acceleration of the digital process, the company continues to increase investment in research and development, in addition to the guarantee and inclination of people, money and things, but also set up a good incentive mechanism, using a new generation of artificial intelligence, big data, Internet of Things and other technologies to develop and put into use Dongli Cloud platform, so that Dongli cloud conservation, management and service landscape ecological integration. Scientific and technological achievements provide a new growth point for the sustainable development of Dongli environment.

The trip was warmly received by Mr. Gong Jiaqin, founder of Jifei Technology. Mr. Gong personally explained and demonstrated Jifei's product line of artificial intelligence applications, including agricultural drones, remote sensing drones, agricultural unmanned vehicles, agricultural autonomous vehicles, agricultural Internet of Things, intelligent agricultural systems, etc., and shared the development history and technical achievements of Jifei Company. Gong's explanation is simple and profound, which is impressive. As a scientific and technological enterprise of artificial intelligence, Jifei Technology has a lot of experience worth learning and reference.

This visit and exchange activity aims to further enhance the awareness of innovation of managers at all levels of the company by observing and experiencing the digital technologies, products and services of technology enterprises in different industries, so as to stimulate and strengthen the innovative concept of "promoting development by science and technology". In the future, Dongli will put informatization and digitalization on a more important level, focus on innovation, strengthen scientific and technological empowerment, strive to improve the efficiency of the construction and maintenance process of traditional garden ecological landscape, continue to improve the innovation strength and scientific research level of Dongli environment, truly promote the digitalization of Dongli, and create a digital Dongli in the information age.
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